Online 9-12 Learning
What does 9-12 Learning Look Like
Online learning through La Grande Virtual Learning Academy provides a self-paced learning environment, with curriculum specifically designed to engage students in an age appropriate lessons including learning objectives, activities, assignments and assessments. Resources including text-to-speech toolbar, a highlighter tool, Mathspace (AI supported math practice), printable materials, and others provide multiple learning opportunities for students to master the standards needed for success.
High school students must meet their counselors to look at graduation requirements and develop their schedules. Students can choose to be fully online or opt to enroll in a hybrid schedule, allowing for a combination of online classes and in-person classes through La Grande High School.
Students also have the option of enrolling in college level courses and getting a head start in earning college credit. Make sure to speak with your student's counselor to determine what college classes are offered and how to ensure college registration.

Graduation Requirements
La Grande Virtual Learning Academy offers a variety of diploma options to meet student needs. Students and families need to carefully consider what diploma they would like to pursue to achieve their future ambitions. Modified and Extended diplomas are designed by the State of Oregon for students that meet qualifications for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) under IDEA law.
Parents and students should realized that there are different requirements for each diploma type. The type that your student chooses can have a significant impact on your student's college and career path.
Adequate academic progress is defined as completing the percentage of a course to equal to or greater than the minimum percentage outlined on the Academic Calendar to ensure the course is completed by the semester deadlines.
La Grande High School Diploma
State of Oregon Standard Diploma
Credit Requirements: 26 |
4.0 English |
3.0 Math |
3.0 Science |
3.0 Social Studies |
1.0 Physical Education |
1.0 Health Education |
1.0 2nd Language |
0.5 Futures |
0.5 Success 101 |
2.0 Arts, 2nd Language, or CTE |
7.0 Additional Credits |
Note: All students choosing this diploma path are eligible to receive an LHS Honors Diploma and qualify for Valedictorian running.
Essential Skill [Suspended]:
Smarter Balanced, PSAT, SAT, ACT, WorkKeys, or Other
Other Requirements:
Career-Related Learning Experience
Extended Application
Career-Related Learning Standards
Accepted at:
4-year college/university program
Military branches
Eligible for Federal Financial Student Aid
Credit Requirements: 24 |
4.0 English |
3.0 Math |
3.0 Science |
3.0 Social Studies |
1.0 Physical Education |
1.0 Health Education |
0.5 Futures |
0.5 Success 101 |
3.0 Arts, 2nd Language, or CTE |
5.0 Additional Credits |
Note: All students choosing this diploma path are NOT eligible to receive an LHS Honors Diploma nor do they qualify for Valedictorian running.
Essential Skill [Suspended]:
Smarter Balanced, PSAT, SAT, ACT, WorkKeys, or Other
Other Requirements:
Career-Related Learning Experience
Extended Application
Career-Related Learning Standards
Accepted at:
4-year college/university program
Military branches
Eligible for Federal Financial Student Aid
Honors Diploma
Students attending LVLA are eligible to receive the LHS Honors Diploma if they:
Complete all credits for a LHS Diploma (26 credits)
Complete 3 honors level courses in three different academic areas offered at LHS
Complete one additional honors level course in any academic areas without duplicated courses used to meet Requirements #2 at LHs
Have a 3.00 GPA (accumulative through 7 semesters) with no D or F grades at any time in high school, including expunged grades
See Board Policy, LHS Counselors, or LHS Honors Diploma Application in LHS Counseling Office for more information.
Schools PLP
Schools PLP is one of the platforms that students can choose to take their online classes through. Students will have the support of adadptive AI through Mathspace courses, offering help at every step. Mathspace's award-winning technology gives students help at the exact moment of misconception, encouraging productive struggle and a growth mindset.
Schools PLP has also partnered with the leading provider of interactive 3D STEM content to offer an exceptional education experience! This collaboration brings you access to the largest collection of 3D, Augmented, and Virtual Reality resources for STEM education!

Parents receive weekly Pulse reports that state how their students are doing in their online classes. These reports detail a student's expected progress vs. actual progress, grade for work completed, number of activities completed, and time spent in each class. Families will also receive regular communication from Ms. Richards reflecting on student progress and status.
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is one of the platforms that students can choose to take their online classes through. It is a teacher guided independent learning pathway with the opportunity for Teacher support as needed. All Google Classroom courses are designed and taught by local certified teachers. Many Google Classroom teachers have established office hours or schedule individual times to meet with students for extra support.
Note: All dual credit college courses are only offered through Google Classroom. Teachers will provide links and resources for students to access their classes through Eastern Oregon University, Blue Mountain Community College, or Oregon Institute of Technology.

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To find out more information about La Grande Virtual Academy 9-12, please contact our team!

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