Online K-8 Learning
What does K-8 Learning Look Like
Online learning through La Grande Virtual Learning Academy provides a self-paced learning environment, with curriculum specifically designed to engage students in an age appropriate lessons including learning objectives, activities, assignments and assessments. Resources including text-to-speech toolbar, a highlighter tool, Mathspace (AI supported math practice), printable materials, and others provide multiple learning opportunities for students to master the standards needed for success.
All students in grades K-8 are required to be enrolled in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and PE. Art is offered as an elective choice for grades K-6, whereas 7th/8th graders can choose from a selection of electives to make up the rest of their schedule.
All students are able to enroll in hybrid schedules, allowing for a combination of online and in person classes. This is beneficial for students with behavioral, medical, or sociable needs.
Schools PLP
Students grades K-8 participate in online classes through the Schools PLP platform. Starting in the 3rd grade, Mathspace courses offer personalize learning with adaptive AI support at every step, including online textbook lessons that don't just meet the standards, but bring them to life. Mathspace's award-winning technology gives students help at the exact moment of misconceptions, encouraging productive struggle and a growth mindset.
Schools PLP has also partnered with the leading provider of interactive 3D STEM content to offer an exceptional educational experience! This collaboration brings you access to the largest collection of 3D, Augmented, and Virtual Reality resources for STEM education!

Parents receive weekly Pulse reports, stating how their students are doing in their online classes. These reports detail a student's expected progress vs. actual progress, grade for work completed, number of activities completed, and time spent in each class. Families will also receive regular communication from Mrs. Banes reflecting on student progress and status.

Students can work any of their courses in any order, though it is recommended that they work in each subject for at least 50 minutes every day. By balancing their studies students maintain their on-track status and have a higher chance of passing each class by the end of the grading period.

Home Link
For families that want to limit screen time, La Grande Virtual Learning Academy offers our Home Link program, a homeschool style curriculum based learning option that provides more physical learning materials. Curriculum options include Timberdoodle, Book Shark, and Oak Meadows. Check out our Home Link page for more information!

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