Please join us on February 25, 2025, 6 PM to 7 PM at the LGSD School Board Conference Room, located at 1305 N Willow St. Topics for the first event are: FACT Oregon Supports IEP Referral Process Eligibility Re-evaluation Exiting Process Q & A Presenters: IMESD Assistant Superintendent, Corrina Robinson EOU Associate Professor, College of Education, Jerred Jolin FACT Oregon representative, Heather Olivier LGSD Student Services Director, Erika Dockweiler LGSD Special Education Teacher, Rachael Oliver Questions? Please contact Erika Dockweiler at Or join online at:
5 days ago, Deb Comfort
FACT Oregon logo with cartoon images of different people walking
La Grande Schools on a 2 HOUR DELAY on Friday, February 7, 2025 All schools in the La Grande School District will be on a 2 HOUR DELAY Friday, February 7, 2025 due to adverse weather, poor visibility, and slick road conditions. Expect that buses will be on their same routes, but two hours later. Please check our district website, Facebook page as well as news and radio media for updated information. Please know, if you don’t feel it is safe for your child to get on the bus or drive to school, you have every right to keep them home. There will be no negative consequences for your child. You may call the school and your child will receive an excused absence.
5 days ago, La Grande School District
La Grande School District News
La Grande School District and City of La Grande Parks & Rec would like your feedback on youth football. Please take a moment to complete the survey! Thanks!
6 days ago, Deb Comfort
Take our survey written on a spiral notebook with a pencil next to it on a yellow background
Giant Heart Jump-A-Thon will be at Greenwood Elementary on Friday, February 14th! Thank you for your support!
6 days ago, Deb Comfort
Giant Heart Jumpathon with caertoon heart people around the text on th epage
This year, National School Counseling Week is celebrated from February 3-7th, the first full week in February. National School Counseling Week highlights the unique contributions of school counselors within the schools they serve. Thank a School Counselor today! Este año, la Semana Nacional de la Consejería Escolar se celebra del 3 al 7 de febrero, la primera semana completa de febrero. La Semana Nacional de la Consejería Escolar destaca las contribuciones únicas de los consejeros escolares dentro de sus escuelas. ¡De las gracias a un/a consejero/a escolar hoy! Learn more:
9 days ago, Deb Comfort
student and adult talkig with text about National School Counseling Week
Each February, people in the United States celebrate the achievements and history of African Americans as part of Black History Month. Take some time today to reflect on the advancements made by Black people in America. Cada febrero, los estadounidenses celebran los logros y la historia de los afroamericanos como parte del Mes de la Historia Afroamericana. Tómese un momento hoy para reflexionar sobre los avances logrados por los afroamericanos en los Estados Unidos. Learn more:
10 days ago, Deb Comfort
black history month image over torn paper of shades black to tan
Resilient Parenting Virtual Group is on Fridays from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM and is open to the community. Contact Tylee Clark at 541-962-8800 for more information.
13 days ago, Deb Comfort
cartoon image of three women speaking with info about resilient parenting virtual group info in text
A member of the La Grande High School Volleyball Team was recently awarded the Oregon Army National Guard Most Valuable Teammate. Aubrey Bisenius received the award, which is presented by the National Guard and OSAA (Oregon School Activities Association). The award recognizes athletes who exemplify what being a teammate is all about, someone who: • Leads by example • Willing to play any role • Works hard • Displays a positive and energetic attitude • Supports others Bisenius said she has played volleyball since before she can remember. She is a setter/right side for LHS. “I love the sport because of the atmosphere it creates, it is so competitive while also feeling like you have a family to lean on.” Bisenius said a great teammate is supportive and trustworthy both on and off the court and characteristics of being a great teammate are leading by example and having a great work ethic. “Having a positive attitude is important to make the experience great for everyone on the team. One person’s positivity is contagious. I make sure to celebrate everyone’s success,” Bisenius said. She said winning this award is important to her because she has worked hard to create an atmosphere that is positive and more like a family on every team she plays on. According to the OSAA website, all nominated Most Valuable Teammates will have the opportunity to apply for one of three $1,000 college scholarships (one per season). ###
21 days ago, Deb Comfort
image of Aubrey Bisenius and most valuable teammate recoginition
Dinner is done!! Support the LHS Volleyball Team at the 2nd Annual Lions Club/LHS Volleyball Fundraiser Spaghetti Feed! $20 per plate for spaghetti, salad and dessert. Tickets can be purchased from any LHS Volleyball Player or reach out via email at Pick up at the La Grande Senior Center on Wednesday, February 5th from 4 PM to 6:30 PM
26 days ago, Deb Comfort
2nd annual Volleyball/LIons Club Spaghetti feed fundraiser with image of plate of spaghetti and the LHS Tiger
January is School Board Recognition Month!! Thank you to Director Danelle Lindsey for serving on the La Grande School District School Board!
about 1 month ago, Deb Comfort
Director Danelle Lindsey and school board appreciation month info
January is School Board Recognition Month!! Thank you to Director Bruce Kevan for serving on the La Grande School District School Board!
about 1 month ago, Deb Comfort
Director Bruce Kevan and school board apprecaition month info
January is School Board Recognition Month!! Thank you to Director Jake Hanson for serving on the La Grande School District School Board!
about 1 month ago, Deb Comfort
Director Jake Hanson and school board appreciation month info
January is School Board Recognition Month!! Thank you to Director Merle Comfort for serving on the La Grande School District School Board!
about 1 month ago, Deb Comfort
Director Merle Comfort and school board appreciation month info
January is School Board Recognition Month!! Thank you to Director Michelle Moore for serving on the La Grande School District School Board!
about 1 month ago, Deb Comfort
Director Michelle Moore and school board appreicaiotn month info
January is School Board Recognition Month!! Thank you to Director Randy Shaw for serving on the La Grande School District School Board!
about 1 month ago, Deb Comfort
director Randy SHaw and school board appreciation month info
January is School Board Recognition Month!! Thank you to Director Robin Jolin for serving on the La Grande School District School Board!
about 1 month ago, Deb Comfort
image of Robin Jolin and school board recognition month
Happy Winter Break! Need something to do today? Check out this list of online activities you can do. ¡Felices vacaciones de invierno! ¿Necesitas algo que hacer hoy? Consulta esta lista de actividades en línea que puedes hacer. Winter Break Online Activities:
about 2 months ago, Deb Comfort
lights in the background of text that reads happy holidays
Happy Holidays! There is NO SCHOOL from December 23rd through January 3rd for Winter Break. Enjoy your time off. School will resume Monday, January 6th. ¡Felices fiestas! No habrá clases del día 23 de diciembre hasta el día 3 de enero para nuestras vacaciones de invierno. Disfrute de su descanso. Las clases comenzaran el día 6 de enero.
about 2 months ago, Deb Comfort
image of snow and trees with text in english and spanish
Snowman with  hat scarf and gloves with text Happy Holidays
Career Connect: Friends of the Children Edition Learn more about our Eastern Oregon career opportunities at two open house events: Thursday, December 5 from 1pm - 4pm Friday, December 6 from 10am-1pm Location: Cook Memorial Library, Community Room (2006 4th Street, La Grande) Contact Angela Groves with questions or for more information
2 months ago, Deb Comfort
image of an adult and a student outside of a school with text about Friends of the Children