Your donations of cash, food, and gift cards will support the La Grande School District Youth-In-Transition (Houseless) Program.

Happy Thanksgiving! The La Grande School District will be closed from November 24th to November 26th. Have a wonderful time. See you back on Monday, November 29th.

Please consider applying to be a:
4th Grade Teacher Temporary - https://5il.co/1254r
Operations Specialist - https://5il.co/126yq

Your donations of cash, food, and gift cards will support the La Grande School District Youth-In-Transition (Homeless) Program. Thank you!

Your donations of cash, food, and gift cards will support the La Grande School District Youth-In-Transition (Houseless) Program.

We have so many "thank yous" to our principals - we had to make two videos!
2 of 2: https://youtu.be/3HmOjyrjiLw

We have so many "thank yous" to our principals - we had to make two videos!
1 of 2: https://youtu.be/urDJuekpTv8%20

We look forward to seeing students on Monday!

Click here to find out more information about upcoming "Conscious Discipline for Families" virtual courses: https://5il.co/zrlq

Growing Meaningful Connections with Your Child is tomorrow night, Tuesday, September 28th, at 6:30 pm - virtually or at LHS. See this flyer for more details! https://5il.co/ziy6

The La Grande Virtual Learning Academy Newsletter for September 2021 is available at https://5il.co/ze21

The La Grande Virtual Learning Academy Newsletter for March 2021 is available at https://5il.co/qhfj.

Please see a letter from Scott Carpenter regarding the LVLA end of the year schedule.

The La Grande Virtual Learning Academy Newsletter for February 2021 is available at https://5il.co/peam. Check out information on our upcoming STEM event and on the art project scheduled for February 25th.

LGSD Virtual Town Hall
Tonight at 6:00 pm
Join via LGSD.TV or La Grande School District Facebook

Please see attached letter regarding the end of Semester 1 end dates, report cards, and grades.
Letter: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1074320/LVLA_S1EndDate_2020.pdf

LGSD will remain in Comprehensive Distance Learning with restricted Limited In-Person Instruction as we enter into our Winter Break period.
Current data for Union County for (11/22/20 - 12/5/2020):
Absolute case count: 156
Positivity Rate: 12.9%

As colder weather approaches, LGSD will use the following methods to communicate school closures or delays:
Phone - monitor your for a call or text
La Grande School District Website - updates will be posted to the District website
Facebook/Twitter - updates posted to District social media
La Grande SD - the new App on Thrillshare
Radio Announcements
Please visit the following link for more information: